Hardwoodfloors are an optimal choice for improving your home’s aesthetic aswell as increasing its resale value. Like most things, they need acertain level of care to maintain their appearance. Follow these tipsto keep your hardwood floors looking spectacular for years to come.And if you need hardwood repair, finishing, or installation, leave itto the experts at MagicHardwood ,with locations in King and Snohomish County.
Havea Proper Cleaning Routine
Tomaintain your hardwood floors, start by vacuuming regularly. Thiswill decrease the chances of sharp debris scratching the wood. Ifyour vacuum has a hard floor setting, use it so the rough bristles ofthe vacuum won’t scratch the surface. When it’s time to mop, makesure the mop is damp, but not soaking wet. If too much moisture getsinto the wood, it will start to cup. For this reason, you should alsoavoid steam-cleaning your wood.
FixMinor Scratches
It’scompletely normal for your hardwood to get small scratches fromeveryday living. Luckily they are easy to fix. Use a stain markerfrom a wood furniture touch-up kit to repair minor scratches
Refinishingin Seattle
Withproper maintenance, hardwood floors can last centuries. We recommendhaving them refinished every 7 to 10 years. If your floors have alot of scratches that have gotten through the stain, it’s a signthey need to be refinished. Another indication is signs of waterdamage and boards that are starting to go gray. Have gray boardsrefinished as soon as possible, before they turn black and need to bereplaced altogether.
MagicHardwood, weperform professional hardwood floor refinishing in Seattle, Bellevue,Everett, and throughout King County and Snohomish County. We’realso a top hardwood floor installer in our community, which means wecan provide proper guidance on the repair vs. replace dilemma. Giveus a call in
Snohomish County at
360-529-5005 or in
King County at
206-535-1890 to request a free estimate for the cost of hardwood refinishing inSeattle or the surrounding areas. We’ll provide an honestassessment of your floors and let you know if refinishing orreplacement is the best option for your home or office.
Please fill in the form below and we'll have a representative contact you.
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Primary Service Areas
Hardwood, Luxury Vinyl Plank, Tile and Stone Flooring Installation in Anacortes, Arlington, Bellevue, Bothell, Brier, Edmonds, Everett, Granite Falls, Kirkland, Lake Stevens, Lynnwood, Marysville, Mill Creek, Monroe, Mountlake Terrace, Mukilteo, Redmond, Seattle, Shoreline, Snohomish, Stanwood and Woodinville.